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-Edmund Burke

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Irish Quips and Quotes Page 2
Every few days, we post a quote, saying, proverb or delightful bit of Irish wit. Enjoy!
We have recently reorganized our Quotes. We realized that there were just too many of them on one page (we can be a bit slow at times). So,we have divided them up into four categories.
This one - Quotes - is the serious page; uplifting, thought-provoking and insightful.
Click for the others:
Wit & Humor
Proverbs & Sayings
Note: We often have difficulty validating a quote source. If you catch an error or you have a source for the, all too common, anonymous, let us know. Please, though, give us an authoritative source or, at least, corroboration. Otherwise, we just have dozens of contradictory opinions.
Click to send us an E-mail.
Maeve Binchy
on giving
" have been blessed with friends who do things rather than buy things: friends who will change books at the library, take a bag of your old clothes to a thrift store, bring you cuttings and plant them in a window box, fill the bird feeder in your garden when you can't get out. What do I do for friends? Not enough, but I can help them write difficult letters because I know writing should always be shorter rather than longer and clearer rather than more complicated. I make lists of good DVDs to rent so they wont be perplexed at the store. I take great pictures of them at happy times and send them copies, and I show them how to construct a family tree, which they always end up loving. Never mind the money, the gifts of time and skill call into being the richest marketplace in the world."
May 28 1940 30 July 2012 RIP
Source: Tree Huggger/Oprah Magazine
Photo Credit: Irish Times
No man is so old as to believe he cannot live one more year.
Sean O’Casey Irish playwright born on March 30, 1880 and died on September 18, 1964.
Photo credit: Britannica Student Encyclopedia
The following quote by Fr. Mychal Judge came from a sermon at the Rededication Mass for the firehouse of Engine 73 and Ladder 42, the former home of Fire Commissioner Tom Von Essen. The date was September 10, 2001 - less than 24 hours before Fr. Mychal died at Ground Zero on 9/11.
ED. NOTE: These details were provided by James McCarthy. Go raibh maith agat, Jim!
"Good days, bad days, but never a boring day on this job. You do what God has called you to do. You show up, you put one foot in front of the other, and you do your job, which is a mystery and a surprise. You have no idea, when you get in that rig, what God is calling you to. But he needs you; so keep going. Keep supporting each other. Be kind to each other. Love each other. Work together. You love the job. We all do. What a blessing that is.”

With his friendly patter between songs, Makem could make every one of his listeners feel part Irish and proud of it...Makem has his audience ready to go out and die for Ireland.
The New York Times; Oct. 12, 1999
“Life has moved on but in ways which would not have been possible without the sacrifice, courage and devotion of those whose lives were taken. Let us remember with quiet pride and quiet admiration those who gave so much.”
Attributed to the former Archbishop of the Church of Ireland, Lord Eames, in reference to the end of Operation Banner - the British Army’s 38-year occupation of Northern Ireland.
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