Traditions, folklore, history and more. If it's Irish, it's here. Or will be!
"People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors."
-Edmund Burke

Site Index
Welcome | Today's Irish News | Today in Irish History | Basic Irish Language
Kid's Ireland | The Irish Kitchen | The Irish Wedding | Irish Poets & Poetry
Quotes, Wit, Sayings | Trivia/ Did you Know? | Circle of Prayer | Blessings | Travel
Himself/Herself | Write to Us | Reader's Write | Awards & Testimonials | Advertise with us
Shopping | Books | Music | Movies | Prints & Photos | Links & Link to us | Submissions Guide
List of Articles by Category
Alphabetical List of Articles.
List of Article Categories.
Today's Irish News and the news of the previous two weeks.
Yes, there are many news items not included here. We deliberately avoid: politics, death, disaster and other mayhem.
Today in Irish History
We also have History for every day in the Calendar.
Just click on the button of the month.
Kids' Ireland
This is a monthly column that we hope parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or older siblings will share with children of all ages. After you read the story of the month, click on our Index of stories to read over twenty kids' tales; and more to come.
The Irish Kitchen
Over fifty pages of Recipes, articles about Irish food and cooking. We dispel the Irish myths about corn beef; tell the story of Guinness and suggest menus for special holidays throughout the year.
Bunús na Gaeilge - Basic Irish Language
On these pages, we make an effort to provide you with useful words and phrases. One of our subscribers, Aideen, who grew up speaking Irish at her mother's knee has generously agreed to help us.
The Traditional Irish Wedding
How to have the Irish wedding of your dreams.
Drawing on her book and much more, Bridget provides articles on Irish courtship and wedding customs.
Travelling to - and in - Ireland
Here are the articles and experiences of travelling to, and in, Ireland. We hope to add many in the future. We have also gathered whatever resources we feel you may need (or want for that matter).
Poems and Songs
Here are our favorite poems and songs (thinly disguised poems, in this case). In addition to the poems, we try to include a short biography, a photograph (if we can find one) and some book sources - so you can add to your own collections.
Readers Write
Many subscribers and readers have written to ask if they can see feedback on articles. We hope this page will take care of that request. We've had some great comments and we're proud to show you a selection of them here.
Books | Music | Movies
Books, Videos (DVD) and Music - we select only those with the Irish 'connection'. We provide reviews and we just opened the door to interviews with authors. Looking for something in particular? Look to our right margins for help.
Photos, Art Prints & Posters
We consider any work produced by an artist an "Art Print", regardless of size or medium. Any photograph is under the heading "Photos", again, regardless of size. The rest are grouped as "posters". Yes, regardless of size - hope this isn't confusing.
Quips and Quotes
Every few days, we post a quote, saying, proverb or delightful bit of Irish wit. We have divided them up into four categories:
Quotes - is the serious page; uplifting, thought-provoking and insightful.
Anecdotes - very very short stories;
Wit & Humor - it must be comic or good sharp wit to be here;
Proverbs & Sayings - old truths, still valid today.
Irish Blessings
This was inspired by a comment from the O'Doud family who suggested that with so many beautiful Irish blessings in existence, we could probably post a different one each day. The O'Doud's, bless them, are so right - we've found a wealth of blessings.
We have so many blessings we have grown to four pages (and a fifth coming soon).
Circle of Prayer
Our world is a very different place than it was before September 11th, 2001. Now, more than ever, we need the power of prayer or meditation in our lives. More than a year ago, our friend Eileen was the inspiration for beginning a series of nine Novenas. Whatever your spiritual leanings, we hope you will pray or meditate with us at 9:30 each morning.
Shopping Here you'll find a broad array of products. They are all Irish and range from the classics to the out-of-the-way. We have a section on Irish kitchen items and food (nice cheeses); a selection of interest to men (e.g. a flask, the Blackthorn Walking Stick) and another for women (e.g. Linen shawl, Book of Kells scarf); many other items of interest including Jewelry, wall hangings & plaques and spiritual/religious - all with the Irish touch. Poke about, if you do not find what you're after, we have help for you in the right margin of each shop page.
• Links & Link to us
We select our Links rather whimsically. If they are unusual or, at least, a little out of the way, they go here. Some are here because they are just good people or we like the site. If you are foraging for something specific, our margin lists links to sites that have many many Irish-related links (if not much else).
• Awards & Testimonials
We're proud to have received many awards. In keeping with the maxim "he who tooteth not his own horn, it tooteth not at all" we list them here.
• Advertise with us
Every month, Irish Culture and Customs attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world. We also have almost 5000 subscribers to our free weekly newsletter which goes out to points all over the map - Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South America, Cyprus, Yugoslavia, the USA and many other countries.
We believe our site could be very attractive to advertisers of Irish-related products or services - and our rates are very reasonable.
• Submissions Guide
While we can always use recipes, fillers, quotes and so on, we are specifically in need of articles on Irish history, music, literature and any other topic that will entertain our audience while at the same time, educate them as to the culture and customs of Ireland.
Article Categories
Don't see a topic you'd like to know more about? Please let us know!
Alphabetical List of Articles.