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Bunús na Gaeilge - Basic Irish Language
There is no other way to revive Irish than for a crowd of people to spread it.
- Douglas Hyde
Note: The spellings and pronunciations used are based on Aideen's own natural use of Connemara Irish but they have been kept simple, so as to be understood where there are differences in the language.
For example, the word 'feicfidh' is used only in Connemara Irish; in Leinster, Ulster and Munster the word is 'cífidh'. There are two pronunciations; Leinster/Munster - kee-fee; Ulster - chee-fee.
The biggest problem for people whose native language is English is that the soft 't' and 'd' are in Irish, but not in English; it's difficult to 'reproduce' them in writing. Where I use 'th' and 'dh' here, they are best achieved by putting your tongue gently behind your front upper teeth."
Click here for our words & phrases Index.
Lesson 39: Golf - Part Two
When we put up the previous lesson, we realized that there were quite a few key words and phrases we had forgotten to include. Aideen, our resident Irish speaker and translator has kindly filled in the blanks.
One of her many resources is Professor T. de Bháldraithe. Aideen says: "He turned out to be more of a golfer than I thought. Digging deep through his 'small print', I found most of them. (the missing words and phrases). However, his experience seems to have been just at the driving range and putting green because he hasn't got anything for fairway, rough or sand trap but, strangely, he's got a golfing word for hazard!! Anyway, I've given word combinations for those which I think any golfer could use and be understood. I've translated fairway and rough as 'smooth' and 'uneven' grass."
Word: Fore!
Irish: Fainic! or Faire!
Pronunciation: fah-nic or fah-reh
(literally 'Danger')
Word: Swing
Irish: luascadh
Pronunciation: loos-kah
Word: Stance
Irish: seasamh
Pronunciation: shahs-uv
Word: Fairway
Irish: féar mín
Pronunciation: fayr meen
Word: Rough
Irish: féar aimhréidh
Pronunciation: fayr ahv-ray
Word: Sandtrap
Irish: gaiste ghainimh
Pronunciation: gahsh-cheh gah-niv
Phrase: Water Hazard
Irish: fiontar uisce
Pronunciation: fiun-thahr ish-geh
Word: Tee
Irish: tí
Pronunciation: tee
Word: Divot
Irish: fód
Pronunciation: fohdh
Word: Driver
Irish: tiománaí
Pronunciation: thuh-mawn-ee
Phrase: Golf Cart
Irish: trucall gailf
Pronunciation: thruk-ahl golf
Phrase: Keep your head down
Irish: ná árdaigh do cheann
Pronunciation: naw awr-dhig dhuh khian
(Literally 'Don't raise your head')
Phrase: Keep your eye on the ball
Irish: ná lig don liathróid as do radharc
Pronunciation: naw lig dhun lee-roh-idj oss dhuh rye-ahrk
(Literally 'Don't let the ball out of your sight')
Phrase: Do you mind if we play through
Irish: bhfuil cead againn imirt ar aghaidh
Pronunciation: will kiahdh ah-ginn im-irtch err eye
Lesson 40: Gardening
Word: Gardening
Irish: garraíodóireacht
Pronunciation: gar-ee-uh-dhohr-ukth
Word: Garden (in the US Yard)
Irish: gáirdín or garraí
Pronunciation: gawr-djeen or gahr-ee
Word: Gardener
Irish: garraíodóir
Pronunciation: gar-ee-uh-dhohr
Word: Flower
Irish: bláth
Pronunciation: blaw
Word: Lawn
Irish: faiche or plásóg
Pronunciation: fah yeh or plaw-sohg
Word: Hedge
Irish: clai
Pronunciaation: klye
Word: Plants
Irish: plandaí
Pronunciation: plahn-dhee
Phrase: Rose bush
Irish: rósóg
Pronunciation: rose-ohg
Phrase: Rose garden
Irish: rósarnach
Pronunciation: rose-ahr-nakh
Word: Weeds
Irish: fialaí
Pronunciation: feel-ee
Phrase: Herb garden
Irish: luibhghort
Pronunciation: liv-ghurth
Phrase: Vegetable garden
Irish: gáirdín or garraí glasraí
Pronunciation: gawr-djeen or gahr-ee
Phrase: Garden hose
Irish: píobán gáirdín
Pronunciation: peeb-awn gawr-djeen
Word: Spade
Irish: spáid or rámhainn
Pronunciation: spaw-idj or raw-vinn
Word: Hoe
Irish: grafóg
Pronunciation: grah-fohg
Word: Wheelbarrow
Irish: barra rotha
PronunciationL bah-rah ru-hah
Phrase: Garden party
Irish: cóisir gáirdín
Pronunciation: coh-shir gawr-djeen
Phrase: I like to garden (tend my garden)
Irish: is maith liom beith ag saothrú mo gháirdín
Pronunciation: iss my lih-um veh egg seeh-roo mug ghawr-djeen
Phrase: Here is the lawn-mower. I will reward you (give you the value of your labour) if you mow the lawn for me
Irish: Seo an lomaire faiche. Tabharfaidh mé luach do shaothair duit má lomaíonn tú an fhaiche dom
Pronunciation: Shuh on lum-irr-eh fah-yeh. Thur-ee may loo-ukh dhuh hee-her dhitch maw lum-ee-in thoo on ah-yeh dhum
Phrase: It is time to weed the garden. It's hard spadework
Irish: Tá sé in am an ghort a ghlanadh. Is obair spáide deacair é
Pronunciation: Thaw shay in ahm on ghurth ah ghlah-nah. Iss ub-irr djahk-irr ay
Phrase: In Autumn (Fall) we will dig the main crop of potatoes
Irish: Is sa bhFomhair a bheidh príomh-bharr na bprátaí á bhaint againn
Pronunciation: Iss sah voh-irr ah veye preeve-vahrr aw wanch ah-gwinn
Phrase: I keep all the tools in the shed
Irish: choinním na h-uirlisí go léir sa bhothán
Pronunciation: kwinn-yeem nah hur-lish-ee guh layer sah wuh-hawn
Phrase: Can we afford to get new garden furniture this year?
Irish: Bhfuilimíd in achmhainn troscán gáirdín nua a fháil i mbliana?
Pronunciation: will-ih-meedj inn ahk-vinn thruss-kawn gawr-djeen noo-ah ah khiahn-ahkh ih mbleen-ah?
Phrase: The tomatoes in the greenhouse (glasshouse) are thriving
Irish: Tá rath ar na trátaí sa teach gloine
Pronunciation: Thaw rah err nah thraw-thee sah tshih-ahkh glin-neh
Phrase: Rain is needed badly, the soil is very dry
Irish: Tá báisteach de dhíth, tá an ithir an-tirim
Pronunciation: Thaw baw-ish-tchiuk djeh yeeh, thaw on ih-irr on-chir-im
For More Basic Irish please click here: Irish Index
Image: Gaeilge Beo from All Posters and Prints.
Sun, Mar 4, 2018

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Irish Grammar
by Noel Mogonagle

This book is excellent for beginners who are wanting a book that gives basic grammar without all the extra information that confuses beginners. The book is well laid out, with information very easy to find. Amazon Reviewer
Here is a good follow-on to our words and phrases.
Click for Irish Grammar.
Irish - English
English - Irish
Note: We have yet to see a dictionary with phonetic pronunciations for each word. We suspect this is partly due to the variations. Providing for all four 'green fields' (Connacht, Leinster, Ulster and Munster), would be cumbersome at best. Still, someone may do it some day. Until then, these are all very good and recommended. Serious students will have more than one; they are inexpensive.
These two (either or both) are the handy-references needed to go with a good grammar or 'teach yourself' course.
We would need both (and some other help) if found wandering in a Gaeltacht late at night.
Amazon has an offer of either one combined with a grammar for a reduced price.
Click for Collins Gem
Click for Oxford Pocket.
While I wouldn't recommend you use many of these phrases, this is a terribly funny book. I picked it up after leafing through it at the store and finding phrases about sheep and inns and the hazards of driving in Ireland without insurance. Each little section starts out innocuously enough, then quickly degenerates into truly funny comments. If you like Monty Python or BlackAdder, this will really make you laugh. If you liked the Father Ted tv show, this little book will make you keel over giggling. Ah, go on, ya eejit, buy it already! Amazon Reviewer
(We want this, you may see a few on these pages - watch out).
Click for Wicked Irish
An easy-to-use program for learning on your own, or can be used as supplemental material for your classes. These new editions have been thoroughly revised and updated to include the engaging dialogues and helpful exercises you have come to expect from the Teach Yourself series.
Click for Teach Yourself
The Best Irish Course Available! Three years ago I decided to learn Irish, and in the next two years I bought three different courses. The first two were simply useless, (that's the obvious reason for my buying new courses) you could learn some phrases, but not construct sentences yourself. Learning Irish, on the other hand, is an excellent book, which gives you a thorough vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. It consists of 36 lessons, all containing vocabularies, grammar instructions, texts and excercises. Amazon Reviewer.
Click for Learning irish