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Bunús na Gaeilge - Basic Irish Language
There is no other way to revive Irish than for a crowd of people to spread it.
- Douglas Hyde
Note: The spellings and pronunciations used are based on Aideen's own natural use of Connemara Irish but they have been kept simple, so as to be understood where there are differences in the language.
For example, the word 'feicfidh' is used only in Connemara Irish; in Leinster, Ulster and Munster the word is 'cífidh'. There are two pronunciations; Leinster/Munster - kee-fee; Ulster - chee-fee.
The biggest problem for people whose native language is English is that the soft 't' and 'd' are in Irish, but not in English; it's difficult to 'reproduce' them in writing. Where I use 'th' and 'dh' here, they are best achieved by putting your tongue gently behind your front upper teeth."
Click here for our words & phrases Index.
Lesson #16 - Going to Work
For most people planning a visit to Ireland, the following words and phrases may not be of value. That said, what if you intend to settle there? Or perhaps, are thinking of a summer job?
Word: Work
Irish: Obair
Pronunciation: ub-ir
Word: Office
Irish: Oifig
Pronunciation: eff-ig
Word: Salary
Irish: Tuarastal
Pronunciation: thoo-rah-sthal
Word: Job
Irish: Post
Pronunciation: puh-sth
Word: Interview
Irish: Agallamh
Pronunciation: og-oll-av
Word: Director / Supervisor
Irish: Stiúirthóir
Pronunciation: stewr-hoh-ir
Phrase: New technology
Irish: teichneóilíocht nua
Pronunciation: teck-noh-lee ochth noo-ah
Phrase: I start my new job on Monday
Irish: Tosnóidh mé sa phost nua Dé Luain
Pronunciation: thus-no-ee may sa fusth noo-ah djay loo-in
Phrase: He failed to get that job
Irish: Theip air an phost sin a fháil
Pronunciation: hep err on fusth shin a aw-il
Phrase: I'd like a job working in the open air
Irish: Ba mhaith liom bheith ag obair amuigh faoin aeir
Pronunciation: Bah wye li-um veh egg ub-ir a-mwee fween ayr
Phrase: Will there be opportunity for promotion?
Irish: An mbeidh seans dul chun chinn?
Pronunciation: on my shans dhul khun khin?
Phrase: My interview is fixed for Friday
Irish: Tá m'agallamh socraithe le haghaidh Dé hAoine
Pronunciation: thaw mog-oll-ay suck-ree-heh leh high djay hee-neh
Phrase: I gave in my notice (to quit) last week
Irish: Chuir mé isteach m'fhógra an tseachtain seo chaite
Pronunciation: khwir may is-cheoch moh-gra on teoch-than shuh kha-cheh
Lesson #17 - It's All Relative
This week, our words and phrases are all about family.
Word: Family
Irish: Clann
Pronunciation: klon
Word: Father
Irish: Athair
Pronunciation: ah-hir
Word: Mother
Irish: Máthair
Pronunciation: maw-hir
Word: Parents
Irish: Tuismitheoirí
Pronunciation: thish-mih-hoh-ir-ee
Word: Sister
Irish: Deirfiúr
Pronunciation: drih-foor
Word: Brother
Irish: Deartháir
Pronunciation: dreh-haw-ir
Word: Uncle
Irish: Uncail
Pronunciation: uncle
Word: Aunt
Irish: Aintín
Pronunciation: an-cheen
Word: Cousin
Irish: Coilceathair
Pronunciation: kul-ca-hir
Word: Grandmother
Irish: Seanmháthair
Pronunciation: shan-waw-hir
Word: Grandfather
Irish: Seanathair
Pronunciation: shan ah-ir
Phrase: I am going to my Aunt's house tonight
Irish: Táim ag dul ag teach mAintín anocht
Pronunciation: thaw-im egg dhull egg choc mah-cheen ah-nuchth
Phrase: Three of my cousins will be there
Irish: Beidh triúir dem choilcheathair ann
Pronuncuiation: bye throo-ir djem khul-ca-hir on
Phrase: I have two sisters and one brother
Irish: Tá beirt deirfiúir agus deartháir amháin agam
Pronunciation: thaw beh-irth drih-foo-ir ah-gus dreh-haw-ir- ah-gum
Phrase: My parents live in Galway
Irish: Tá conaí ar mo thuismitheoirí i nGaillimh
Pronunciation: thaw con-nee er muh hish-mih-hoh-ir-ee i ngall-iv
Phrase: My grandfather died two years ago
Irish: Fuair mo sheanathair bás dhá bhliain ó shoin
Pronunciation: foo-ir muh han-ah-ir baws gaw vleen oh him
Phrase: In the name of the Father, the(His) Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen
Irish: In ainm an Athair, a Mhic agus an Spiorad Naomh, Amen
Pronunciation: in an-im on ah-hir, a vic ah-gus on spir-odh neeve, amen
Lesson #18 - Medical Matters
Our resident Irish speaker and translator is enjoying a heatwave in Greece - but, in her words, the brain is a bit fried! She has promised to add more to the following:
Category: Health Matters
Irish: Cúrsái Sláinte
Pronunciation: coor-see slawn-cheh
Word: Doctor
Irish: doctúir
Pronunciation: dhukh-thoor
Word: Hospital
Irish: oispidéal
Pronunciation: us-pih-jail
Word: Nurse
Irish: banaltra
Pronunciation: bahn-al-thra
Word: Pharmacy
Irish: siopa poiticéar
Pronunciation: shupa puth-ih-kayr
Term: Blood-group
Irish; Grupa-fuileach
Pronunciation: groop-ahfwill-ukah
Phrase: I've got a headache
Irish: tá tinneas cinn orm
Pronunciation: thaw chin-es keen urm
Phrase: I need an operation
Irish: Is gá dom dul faoi scian
Pronunciation: is gaw dhum dhul fwee shkeen
Phrase: He has a broken foot
Irish: tá cois briste aige
Pronunciation: thaw cush brish-the egg-eh
Phrase: I am allergic to.....
Irish:Ta aileirge agam le....
Pronunciation: thaw al-ayr-geh ah-gum le
Phrase: I need to rest
Irish: Ni mor dom sci a ligint
Pronunciation: knee-more dhum shkee a lig-inich
Phrase: Her health is not very good at the moment
Irish: Níl sláinte ró-mhaith aici faoi láthair
Pronunciation: kneel slawn-cheh ro -whye ec-ee fwee law-hir
Lesson 19 - Back to School.
It is that time of the year once more. When the parents are eager for school to begin and the children would rather not, thank you very much. This lesson focuses on words and phrases related to education and which now includes additions and modifications.
Word: Education
Irish: Oideachas
Pronunciation: Eh-djeh-khuss
Word: School
Irish: Scoil
Pronunciation: Skull
Phrase: Primary school
Irish: Bunscoil
Pronunciation: Bun-skull
Phrase: National School
Irish: Scoil Náisiúnta
Pronunciation: Skull naw-ish-oon-tha
Word: College
Irish: coláiste
Pronunciation: kull-aw-ish-theh
Word: University
Irish: ollscoil
Pronunciation: ull-skwell
Word: Professor
Irish: ollamh
Pronunciation: ull-av
Word: Lecturer
Irish: léachtóir
Pronunciation: lay-akh-thoh-ir
Word: Degree
Irish: céim
Pronunciation: kaym
Phrase: School Principal/Head Teacher
Irish: Príomh Oide
Pronunciation: Preeve eh-djeh
Word: Teacher
Irish: Múinteoir
Pronunciation: Moo-in-choh-ir
Word: Student
Irish: scoláire
Pronunciation: skull-aw-ih-reh
Word:: Uniform
Irish: culaith scoile
Pronunciation: kull-eh skwell-eh
Phrase: School bag (satchel)
Irish: Mála scoile
Pronunciation: Mawla skull-eh
Word: Classroom
Irish: rang
Pronunciation: wrong
Word: desk
Irish: deisc
Pronunciation: desk
Word: Lesson
Irish: cleachtadh
Pronunciation: clock-thah
Word: Book
Irish: Leabhar
Pronunciation: Low-(as in cow)-er
Word: Notebook
Irish: Leabhar nóta
Pronunciation: Low-(as in cow)-er noh-tha
Word: Pen
Irish: Peann
Pronunciation: Pee-an
Word: Pencil
Irish: Peannluaidh
Pronunciation: Pee-an loo-ee
Word: Subject/Course
Irish: cúrsa
Pronunciation: koor-sah
Word: Homework
Irish: obair baile
Pronunciation: ub-err bah-lih-eh
Word: Exam/Test
Irish: scrúdú
Pronunciation: scroo-dhoo
Phrase: Junior Certificate
Irish: Teastas Sóisearach
Pronunciation: tchahs-thas soh-ish-er-ukh
Phrase: Leaving Certificate
Irish: Teastas Cruinnithe
Pronunciation: tchas-thas krinn-ithe
Word: Gym
Irish: géimheal
Pronunciation: gayv-ell
Word: Playground
Irish: clós na scoile
Pronunciation: klohs nah skwell-eh
Phrase: School Bus:
Irish: bus scoile
Pronunciation: bus skwell-le
Phrase: School Bell
Irish: cliogeain scoil
Pronunciation: klig-ehn skwell-eh
Word: Detention
Irish: coimeád (or coinneál) isteach
Pronunciation: kwem-adh (or kwin-aw-ihl) iss-tih-okh
Phrase: I (really) like my teacher
Irish: Is breá liom mo mhúinteoir
Pronunciation: Iss brah li-um muh woo-in-choh-ir
Phrase: I am in first/second class/grade
Irish: Táim i rang a haon/a dó
Pronunciation: Thaw-im i wrong a hayn/a dhoh
Phrase: I am able to write my name now
Irish: Is féidir liom m'ainm a scríobh anois
Pronunciation: Iss fay-jir li-um m-ahn-m a schree-uv ah-nish
Phrase: May I go out (leave the class?*)
Irish: Bhfuil cead agam dul amach?
Pronunciation: Will kee-sdh ah-gum dhull ah-mockh
(*expression used when asking permission to leave the class to go to the bathroom)
Phrase: I like reading/writing
Irish: Is maith liom scríbhneoireacht/léitheoireacht
Pronunciation: Iss my li-um schree-noh-ir-uchth/lay-ih-oh-ir-uchth
Phrase: We had a music* class today
Irish: Bhí rang cheoil* againn inniu
Pronunciation: Vee wrong khee-oh-il ah-ginn inn-you
*See below for other subjects
Phrase: I passed my exams
Irish: D'Éirí liom sna scrúdúí
Pronunciation: dheye-ree lih-um sah skroo-dhee
Phrase: I hope I don’t fail the maths* test
Irish: Tá súil agam nach mbeid teip agam sa scrúdú mhatamaitice*
Pronunciation: thaw soo-il ah-gum knock my tep ah-gum sah skroo-dhoo wath-ah-math-ikah
*See below for other subjects
Phrase: Report card
Irish: cárta fiosra
Pronunciation: kawr-thah fiss-rah
Word: Marks/Grade
Irish: marcanna/gráda
Pronunciation: mark-ah-nah/graw-dhah
* Other subjects - this is not meant to be a complete list. A good Irish dictionary should provide the Irish word for the majority of subjects taught in schoolS today.
Subject: History
Pronunciation: sthahr
Subject: Geography
Irish: tíreolas
Pronunciation: cheer-oh-las
Subject: French
Irish: Fraincís
Pronunciation: rahn-keesh
Subject: German
Irish: Gearmánais
Pronunciation: giahr-mawn-ish
Subject: English
Irish: Béarla
Pronunciation: bayr-lah
Photo Credit: John Battelle’s Search Blog
1. In Ireland, the word 'school' is used for first and second level education (primary and secondary schools). although the word 'college' may sometimes be used to denote a secondary school building. Third level education is generally described as 'college' or 'university' education. However, certain specialised third level educational establishments might use the word 'school', as in 'hotel management school' or 'computer school'. That generally refers to the building or the name of the 'provider' of that education and not to the level of that education.
2. Many years ago, some schools (mine included) called the first two grades of primary education 'Babies' (Naoineáin) and 'High (Senior) Infants' (Naoineáin Sinsear) This terminology has mostly died out now!
For More Irish words & phrases please click here: Irish Index
Image: Gaeilge Beo from All Posters and Prints.
Sun, Mar 4, 2018

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Irish Grammar
by Noel Mogonagle

This book is excellent for beginners who are wanting a book that gives basic grammar without all the extra information that confuses beginners. The book is well laid out, with information very easy to find. Amazon Reviewer
Here is a good follow-on to our words and phrases.
Click for Irish Grammar.
Irish - English
English - Irish
Note: We have yet to see a dictionary with phonetic pronunciations for each word. We suspect this is partly due to the variations. Providing for all four 'green fields' (Connacht, Leinster, Ulster and Munster), would be cumbersome at best. Still, someone may do it some day. Until then, these are all very good and recommended. Serious students will have more than one; they are inexpensive.
These two (either or both) are the handy-references needed to go with a good grammar or 'teach yourself' course.
We would need both (and some other help) if found wandering in a Gaeltacht late at night.
Amazon has an offer of either one combined with a grammar for a reduced price.
Click for Collins Gem
Click for Oxford Pocket.
The Best Irish Course Available! Three years ago I decided to learn Irish, and in the next two years I bought three different courses. The first two were simply useless, (that's the obvious reason for my buying new courses) you could learn some phrases, but not construct sentences yourself. Learning Irish, on the other hand, is an excellent book, which gives you a thorough vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. It consists of 36 lessons, all containing vocabularies, grammar instructions, texts and excercises. Amazon Reviewer.
Click for Learning irish