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Sleabhac: Manna from the Seashore
by Joe McGowan
I went down to the seashore to pick sleabhac this week and decided to share the experience with you. If I look concerned in the photo it could be because this can be a dangerous place or it could just be that I'm wondering if the camera's self-timer has gone off!
Time is getting short for anyone wishing to gather winkles, báirneachs (limpets) and other tasty mollusks that you will find here. Traditionally they can be eaten only in a month with an ‘r’ in it. This is the time of year to pick carrageen, crannach and other delicacies too.
Sleabhac, an edible seaweed, grows in abundance on bare rocks in the tidal zone. It is available only at low tide. Reminiscent of the biblical manna that turned up out of nowhere to feed the Israelites, sleabhac appears only during the winter months. In another few weeks, with lengthening days and stronger sun, it will disappear and all that will remain is bare inhospitable rock. In past times this seaweed was a valuable addition to the dinner table. During famine times it, as well as dilisc, carrageen and crannac etc., helped to keep many people alive.
Sleabhac grows only in special places and is best plucked after a spell of frost. The spot where I went recently to gather it is aptly named Leac na Meala (the Honeyed Rock). Irish has long since died out as a spoken language in this area, but people still refer to seaside places by their Irish names: Pollyarry, Ros Caoireach, Leac Cam, Cromadach and so on. Every section of shore had, and still has, its own designation and a reputation for good fishing or good seaweed. Different places at different times of the year. It was as important to the last generation to know these names as it is now for shoppers to know the streets and addresses of favourite stores in our towns and cities.
Much has changed in one generation in Ireland and now very few bother to gather sleabhac. It may be nowhere near as healthy or wholesome, but for busy lifestyles, food on supermarket shelves is pre-packaged and much more accessible. Even though these seaside plants are wholly organic and packed with nutrients, a new generation is growing up who never heard of them.
As I gather the dark brown weed I think of my parents and the generations before who knew when and where to look for this food and crowded the seashore until not a pick was left; a people who lived by their wits, and their intimate knowledge of Nature. They knelt in the same places that I do and gathered this delicious food that re-generates miraculously year after year. I think too of the hungry, emaciated creatures who scoured the seashore in famine times. A small bag of sleabhac, mixed perhaps with báirneachs and winkles, would keep them alive for another day. As I work, somehow, I feel their spirits are close by.
The roar of the ocean behind me is timeless and reassuring as, alone with my thoughts, I gather and reflect. ‘Never turn your back to the sea’ the old people warned us time and time again when we went to the shore. They feared and respected the waters that nurtured and fed them but, in an unguarded moment, would equally take their lives. ‘Bíonn a cuid féin ag an bhfarraige’ they believed: the sea must have its due. It was unlucky to save a drowning person. A place in the deep was destined for a corpse, someone must fill it. The rescuer must, in time, forfeit his own life in place of the life he saved.
I am grateful to be here in this beautiful place and grateful for the knowledge they passed on to me. Sleek cars and power-walkers whiz by on the cliff road above, oblivious to the secrets of nature encrypted in the landscape. They stare, and perhaps they wonder at the unusual sight of a lone hunter-gatherer crouched by the waves.
The Recipe
Here is a recipe from 'The Cookin' Woman' by Florence Irwin:
Method: Wash it thoroughly in several waters to remove grit and sand. Squeeze. Into a saucepan put enough water to cover the bottom, bring to the boil, add the sloke (sic), stir till it all boils; and then stir often till cooked, which will take 3 or 4 hours. Add pepper and salt to taste.
To Dress: add some butter and cream. Eat with oatcakes for supper or with mutton and potatoes for dinner."
My own favourite way to cook sleabhac is to bring to the boil and simmer for about one and a half hours. I don't find that stirring is as necessary or as frequent as indicated above. Leave overnight. Next day add boiling bacon and whole onions to suit. Season with bay-leaf and rosemary. Bring to the boil again and simmer for an hour. Add potatoes in time to cook properly, then sit back and enjoy a meal fit for a king or a chieftain!
God made a garden, it was men built walls;
But the wide sea from men is wholly freed;
Freely the great waves rise and storm and break,
Nor softlier go for any landlord's need,
Where rhythmic tides flow for no miser's sake
And none hath profit of the brown sea-weed,
But all things give themselves, yet none may take.
Eva Gore-Booth
Reprinted by kind permission of the author.
Authors Bio
Joe Mc Gowan is a local historian and native of Mullaghmore, Co. Sligo. Born on the family farm, he worked there in his early years until emigrating to the U.S.A. in the early 60s. Six months after he arrived, he was drafted into the U. S. army. Following discharge from the Army, he lived and worked in the U.S. in commercial and residential construction for many years. Marrying, he returned to Ireland with his wife and young family in the late 70s. The Celtic Tiger was not yet born, scarcity of work dictated a career change, so Joe took up salmon and lobster fishing off the Sligo coast aboard his half-decker fishing boat the Connaught Ranger and conducting tour-boat trips to Inishmurray aboard the Excalibur with his partner Keith Clarke.
Shortly after his return to Ireland, Joe Mc Gowan, becoming keenly aware of the accelerating pace of change in the Irish countryside, decided to record the old lore before it vanished completely. Since that time he has been dedicated to preserving, visually and orally, Ireland s disappearing traditions and customs. Now a full-time writer his books, backed by meticulous archival research, are inspired by countless nights spent visiting the older generation and listening to their tales. His short stories, usually cameos of Irish life both past and present, feature frequently in national magazines and on radio. He is also a Heritage Specialist with the Irish National Teachers Organisation Heritage in Schools Scheme.
His publications include the classic: In the Shadow of Benbulben; Echoes of a Savage Land; Constance Markievicz; the Peoples Countess; Co. Sligo Famine Book; Inishmurray Gale, Stone and Fire; Island Voices and most recently, co-authored with artist Anne Osborne: Sligo, Land of Destiny.
The days of the fireside story-tellers are gone, but their stories and lore happily live on in Joes books and now on his website:
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Sun, Mar 4, 2018
"...the freshest of food and
the oldest of drink"
- Irish Proverb
The New Irish Table
by Margaret Johnson

Margaret Johnsons love of Ireland permeates page after glorious page of mouthwatering Irish dishes, from Smoked Salmon Chowder to Raspberry Buttermilk Tarts. Lavish color photographs of the food, the landscapes, and the people are woven through the text, making The New Irish Table the next best thing to sitting down to dinner in Ireland itself.
Click here for New Irish Table.
This fascinating book was just released. Joe McGowan's easy familiarity with the folkways of his childhood helps transport us to these lost scenes of 1950s Ireland. We heard from Joe and he has a new Web Site. You can visit by clicking: Sligo Heritage.
Click here for Echoes