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-Edmund Burke

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Making Saint Brigid's Crosses
by the 4th class of Holy Family Senior School
The children of 4th Class Holy Family Senior School in Ennis, Co. Clare have been busy making St. Brigid's Crosses. If you'd like to make a St. Brigid's Cross, they have kindly given us their permission to reprint the instructions from their website - and also publish a couple of photos.
We've some pictures below showing the crosses being made. You will need some rushes or reeds picked from marsh land or by your local river. The reeds can be used to tie the ends of the cross or you may use elastic bands or cord if you prefer.

1. Loop the horizontal reed around the vertical reed.

2. Loop the next vertical reed around the horizontal reed.

3. Now loop next horizontal reed around both vertical reeds.

4. Then loop vertical reed around both horizontal reeds.

5. Finally, loop a horiz. reed around both vertical reeds going down.
You now repeat stages 1 - 5 approx. 4 times. Tie the ends and trim with a scissors.

Editorial Note:
The tradition is alive and well in Co. Clare - and not confined to the children. We encourage you to visit the Holy Family Senior School website and find out more.
While you're on the site, you might also want to explore what else is on offer. Holy Family is a co-educational, multi-cultural primary school and is prominently involved in the Information Age Project. The site has detailed accounts of Schools Integrated Projects (SIP), the Comenius Project, Sport, Arts and Crafts, Music, Creative Writing, History and much more.
This is a great way to learn about today's Irish educational culture. Enjoy your visit!
Special thanks to Margaret Cooney who so promptly replied to our request and gave us permission to reprint the photos and the instructions.
Index of Children's Stories
Dogs of Ireland - the Kerry Blue Terrier
Kerry Blue Terriers were developed over 300 years ago by Irish shepherds. Their name comes from the county of Kerry in south-western Ireland.
Gentle, lovable and intelligent they are very hard working. They can herd sheep and cattle, hunt for rats and other vermin and they are good retrievers.
When they are born, they are black. As they get older, their curly coats change to red, brown or gray and then finally to bluish-grey.
Outgoing and friendly towards their family, they are known to give big, slurpy kisses. But they are also very protective and make good guard dogs as well as excellent family pets.
Resource: Puppy Dog Web.
Click for More Culture Corner.
"No man ever wore a cravat as nice, as his own child's arm around his neck."
- Irish Proverb

Brigid of Ireland
by Cindy Thomson
It seems an almost impossible task for writers not born and reared in Ireland to realistically convey the Irish idiom of the English language, but Cindy Thomson has been more successful than most. Her account of the early life of St Brigid is told with an obviously deep knowledge of the social history of fifth century Ireland and the rivalry between the old religion, represented by the druids, and the followers of St Patrick. Irish Emigrant
Click here for Brigid of Ireland.
To learn more about the author please click Cindy Thomson.
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March 4, 2011 |
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