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Irish Blessings
page One

This was inspired by a comment from the O'Doud family who suggested that with so many beautiful Irish blessings in existence, we could probably post a different one each day. The O'Doud's, bless them, are so right - we've found a wealth of blessings.
We'd like to invite readers to send us their favorites and we'll list those, too.
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St. Patrick's Blessing
As he brought new faith to Ireland
So may he bring out in you
A touch of Irish kindness
in everything you do.
And through the good St. Patrick
May your home and life be blessed
with all the special favours
That make you happiest.
Adapted from a blessing by the Norbertine Fathers
Image Credit: Sr. Colleen

Blessing for Protection

Circle me Lord
Keep protection near
And danger afar
Circle me Lord
Keep hope within
Keep doubt without
Circle me Lord
Keep light near
And darkness afar
Circle me Lord
Keep peace within
Keep evil out.

Contributed by Gloria Woods who received it from SR Margaret McStay of Belfast.
Photo Credit: Mom 24/E-How

May the blessing of the rain be on you—
the soft sweet rain.
May it fall upon your spirit
so that all the little flowers may spring up,
and shed their sweetness on the air.
May the blessing of the great rains be on you,
may they beat upon your spirit
and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there many a shining pool
where the blue of heaven shines,
and sometimes a star.
Photo Credit: In Photos

A Blessing for Fair Day
God be with them now,
and bring them home
with their fair share
of stock or money.
Photo Credit: Keewi Photography
Caption: Looking for a bargain Puck Fair Killorglin, Co. Kerry

In This Irish Home
May these walls be filled with laughter,
may it reach from floor to rafter.
May the roof keep out the rain,
may sunshine warm each windowpane.
And may the door be open wide
to let the Good Lord's love inside.
Photo Credit: Celtic Shamroc

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
Photo Credit:
Waterford Wildlife

May the morning sun stir you from the bed
May the winds of March move you on the road
May the rains of April renew you strength
May the flowers of May captivate your sight
May summer heat inflame your zeal
May autumn color stimulate your dreams
May the silver moon make you wiser yet
May you never be with yourself content.
May Jesus and Mary keep you young
Full of life and laughter and an Irish song.
Edited and adapted from A Blessing for Challenge by Fr. Andrew Greeley

St. Patrick's Prayer
This day I call to me:
God's strength to direct me,
God's power to sustain me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's vision to light me,
God's ear to my hearing,
God's word to my speaking,
God's hand to uphold me,
God's pathway before me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's legions to save me.
from A Retreat With St. Patrick
Photo Credit: St. Patrick’s Grave/Northern ireland Tourist Board

Blessing of St. Blaise

In the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar, February 3 is the feast of St. Blaise and in many churches in ireland and thoughout the world a special ceremony takes place: Two white candles blessed on Candlemas are held in a crossed position by a priest over the heads of the faithful or individuals are touched on the throat with them. At the same time the following blessing is given: Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from ailments of the throat and from every other evil. Amen.
NOTE: While in prison, St. Blaise ministered to and healed fellow prisoners, including saving a child who was choking on a fish bone; this led to the blessing of throats on Blaise's feast day.
Photo Credit: Westminster Cathedral Blog

St. Brigid's Blessing for a home

May Brigid bless the house where you dwell,
every fireside door and every wall;
every heart that beats beneath its roof,
every hand that toils to bring it joy,
every foot that walks its portals through.
may Brigid bless the house that shelters you.
Photo credit: Catholic Forum

St. Brigid's Blessing

Through her holy intercession
with our Father in Heaven,
may St. Brigid bless
you and and make you
generous in your giving,
pleasant in your greeting,
honest in your speaking,
loyal in your loving,
clear in your thinking,
strong in your working,
and joyful in your living
And when it's time
for your homecoming,
may there be peace in
your passing and a warm
welcome in heaven.
Photo Credit: Kildare, Ireland

Blessing for the New Year
May the new year bring
The warmth of home and hearth to you.
The cheer and goodwill of friends to you,
The hope of a childlike heart to you.
The joy of a thousand angels to you,
The love of the Son and God's peace to you.
Photo Credit: Mary McSweeney - The Hearth

Blessings on the Feast of St. Francis
God bless the cow that gives us milk
God bless the lamb that gives us wool
God bless the hen that gives us eggs
God bless the pig that pays the rent
God bless the horse that we may ride
God bless the cat that catches mice
God bless the dog that herds the sheep
God bless the geese for our feather beds
God bless the lark for her morning song
God bless the swan upon the pond.
God bless all friends of fur and feather
And St. Francis protect them in all weather.

Bless us oh Lord, You who are
the peace of all things calm
the place to hide from harm
the light that shines in dark
the heart's eternal spark
the door that's open wide
welcoming all to come inside.
We ask this blessing
God be willing.
Adapted from the Celtic oral tradition - 1st millennium
Photo Credit: Scott Atherton, Irish Corner

Tea-time blessing/grace

God willing, may our tea
be steeped in serenity,
sweetened by sharing,
and surrounded by the
warmth of your love.

From the orchards of Armagh
to the fields of Wicklow,
May God bless the farmer’s work
and help his crops to grow.
And St. Swithin intercede for him
that weather rain or shine
his labors are rewarded
this coming harvest time.

Lord, may I never take the gift of freedom for granted. You gave
me the great blessing of freedom of spirit. Fill my spirit with Your peace and Your joy on this Ascension Day and always.
“...lifting up His hands, he blessed them. While He was blessing them, He withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven.” Luke 24
Adapted from
Sacred Space

Like the gold of the sun, like the light of the day, may the luck of the Irish shine bright on your way. Like the glow of a star, and the lilt of a song may these be your joys all your life long.
Photo Credit: D’ Lynn Waldron

Bless the house
and bless the hearth,
bless the work
and bless all here.
May your faith be strong
May your heart be true
and the divil n’er
make a liar of you.
Image by: Mary McSweeney

May you be blessed with
warmth in your home,
love in your heart,
peace in your soul
and joy in your life.

Blessing for Lent
Merciful God, you called us forth from the dust of the earth;
you claimed us for Christ in the waters of baptism.
Look upon us as we enter these Forty Days bearing the mark of ashes,
and bless our journey through the desert of Lent to the font of rebirth.
May our fasting be hunger for justice;
our alms, a making of peace;
our prayer, the chant of humble and grateful hearts.
All that we do and pray is in the name of Jesus.
For in his cross you proclaim your love for ever and ever.
From Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers

Photo Credit: Catholic Herald

Blessing for a Journey

O Brigit, bless our road,
that calamity may not overtake us as we travel;
O veiled one from the laden Liffey
may we reach home safely by your intercession.
Source: Blessings & Good Wishes

May a rainbow gladden your eyes
May soft winds freshen your spirit;
May sunshine brighten your heart;
May the burdens of the day rest
lightly upon you;
And may God enfold you
in the mantle of his love.
Photo Credit: Fraser Connection

A Blessing for Advent
On this first Sunday of advent
May the coming light that is our Lord
fill you and yours with joy and peace.

Image Credit: Mark Roberts

During the coming
Christmas season
May you be blessed
With the spirit of the season,
which is peace,
The gladness of the season,
which is hope,
And the heart of the season,
which is love.

Grace before a meal
May this food restore our strength,
giving new energy to tired limbs,
and new thoughts to weary minds.
May this drink restore our souls,
giving new vision to dry spirits,
and new warmth to cold hearts.
And once nourished and refreshed,
May we give thanks to Him who
gives us all and makes us blest.
Adapted from an old Irish blessing

Remembrance Sunday Blessing

Praise to you, ever-watchful God,
for you are our refuge and strength
in every time and place.
Send your blessing upon those
who have served and are now
serving their country.
Let your peace be the sentry
that stands guard over their lives
and shield them from all harm.
Edited and adapted from a blessing by
Bishop John F. Kinney
Poppy Image: Daliscar

To welcome a new baby
May you always walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings
beside your nursery door.
And for the proud parents:
May God grant you
a wee bit of heaven
to cradle in your arms -
a sweet bonny baby
to hold close to your heart
A newborn babe
brings light to the house
warmth to the hearth
and joy to the soul
for wealth is family
family is wealth.
Old irish proverb
NOTE: This is a special blessing for our third grandchild, Dashiell Patrick Haggerty who made his debut on November 2, 2006. He is the first child of our son Benjamin and our daughter-in-law Sarah. Sláinte is táinte to them and to Dash!

A Blessing for St. Michael
May St. Michael, the Archangel Prince of the Seraphim and the patron saint of mariners, paratroopers, police and others intercede on your behalf and ask the Good Shepherd of us all to bless and protect from all harm all those who protect us.
Photo Credit: Templars

Blessing before a meal

Beannaigh sinne, a Dhia.
Beannaigh ár mbia agus ár ndeoch.
ós tú a cheannaigh sinn go daor
Agus a shaor sinn ó olc,
Mar a thug tú an chuid seo dúinn
Go dtuga tú dúinn ár gcuid den ghlóir shíoraí.

Bless us, O God.
Bless our food and our drink.
Since you redeemed us so dearly
and delivered us from evil,
as you gave us a share in this food
so may you give us a share in eternal life.

Back to School Blessing
May the patron saints of scholars and academics - Brigid of Ireland, Catherine of Alexandria, Nicholas of Myra, and Thomas Aquinas ask the Father of all knowledge to bless students with a love of learning and their teachers with wisdom and understanding.
Photo Credit: Gaelscoil De Híde in Roscommon

Blessing on a Fisherman
Thou King of deeds and powers above,
Thy fishing blessing pour down on us.
I will sit me down with an oar in my grasp,
I will row me seven hundred and seven strokes.
I will cast down my hook,
The first fish which I bring up
In the name of Christ, King of the elements,
The poor shall have it at his wish.
And the king of fishers, the brave Peter,
He will after it give me his blessing.
Ariel, Gabriel, and John,
Raphael benign, and Paul,
Columba, tender in every distress,
And Mary fair, the endowed of grace.
Encompass ye us to the fishing-bank of ocean,
And still ye to us the crest of the waves.
Be the King of kings at the end of our course,
Of lengthened life and of lasting happiness.
Be the crown of the King from the Three on high,
Be the cross of Christ adown to shield us,
The crown of the King from the Three above,
The cross of Christ adown to shield us.
From the carmina Gadelica, Volume 1.

May the power of God this day enable me,
The nakedness of God disarm me,
The beauty of God silence me,
The justice of God give me voice,
The integrity of God hold me,
The desire of God move me,
The fear of God expose me to the truth,
The breath of God give me abundant life.

May God not weaken your hand
A popular blessing said in encouragement and praise of someone's work. An alternative to “God bless the work.”

A blessing for those taking a journey
The love and affection of the angels be to you,
The love and affection of the saints be to you,
The love and affection of heaven be to you,
To guard and to cherish you.
May God shield you on every step,
May He aid you on every path,
And may He hold you safe on every slope,
On every hill and on every plain;
On earth and on sea until you are home again.

May the blessing of God's soft rain
be on you, falling gently on your head,
refreshing your soul with the sweetness
of summer flowers newly blooming.

May God bless all the dads
on this their special day.
Keep them safe, keep them whole,
and keep them from harm’s way.

The Lord delights in the way of the man
whose steps He has made firm;
though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with His hand
Psalm 37:23,24
For a sweet tribute to fathers here and in
heaven, we invite you to view Treasured Moments
a poem from the collection
Soft whispers from Derry’s Heart.”

A Blessing for the Day

May the God of the dawn awaken you
May the God of sunrise stir you up
May the God of morning bless your work
May the God of noon renew your strength
May the God of sunset bring you home
May the God of dusk soothe your soul
May the God of night bring you rest.
Adapted from a blessing by Andrew Greeley
Photo Credit: Good Morning by Keewi photography

Blessing for Pentecost Sunday

As the Lord sent His disciples into the world and assured them He would be with them until the end of time, so, too, may the Holy Spirit be with you and yours as you share the word of God’s love with all you meet along the road.
Edited and adapted from a prayer on Sacred Space.

Blessings of Summer
May the sun shine bright on your joyous days,
And the rain refresh you through peaceful nights;
May summer show you God's wondrous ways,
And prepare you for heaven's great delights.
From Irish-American Blessings & Prayers by Andrew M. Greeley.
Image Credit: Blessings of Summer by Thomas Kinkade

God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.
Please god, He will bless her and keep her
though far from me now she is gone
And God willing I’ll once again feel her
loving arms around me once more.
Edited and adpated from the poem
Wonderful Mother by Pat O'Reilly

A Blessing for Beltane Eve
Bless , O God, true and bountiful,
Myself, my spouse, and my children,
Everything within my dwelling
From Beltane Eve to summer’s ending;
With goodly progress and protecting,
From sea to sea, and every river mouth,
From wave to wave, and every waterfall,
Bless the kine that leave the stall,
Bless the sheep that depart the fold,
Bless the goats on the mount of mist,
May Thou attend them and keep them blest,
Thou Being who attends to me
as I bend my knee to Thee.
Adapted from The Beltane Blessing by Carmina Gadelica, p. 183
Photo Credit: Hanneke Reijbroek/June Blake's garden - Co.Wicklow

A Blessing for Holy Week
From Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday,
may God in His infinite mercy
grant you and yours a journey
of renewal and hope;
a time of prayer and reflection;
And joyful anticipation
of our Lord’s resurrection.

May you enjoy the four greatest blessings:
Honest work for your hands to do.
A hearty appetite to nourish you.
A good man or woman to give you love
And a wink from God himself above.

Of all of God's blessings
the love of an Irish mother
is constant and pure and
unlike any other.
May angels of God
bring her blessings unbounded
as with His love and her
children’s, today
she’s surrounded.
Edited and adapted from a greeting by Happy Day cards. The music that accompanies it is lovely. Turn your speakers on.

May St. Patrick intercede on your behalf
and God be beside you when you walk,
in your voice when you talk,
in your eyes when you see,
in your ears when you hear
in your heart when you pray
in your mind when you think
and in your hands when you touch.
In every sense may it be
that God is with you eternally.

May the power of God guide you, 
The might of God uphold you, 
The wisdom of God teach you, 
The eye of God watch over you, 
The ear of God hear you,
The word of God give you speech, 
The hand of God protect you, 
The way of God go before you, 
The shield of God shelter you.
Adapted from the Lorica by St. patrick
Image Credit:

'If there be a guest in your house
And you conceal aught from him,
'Tis not the guest who will be without,
But Jesus, the Son of Mary'

This charity and hospitality was extended above all to the poor. Thus St Colgan, Abbot of Clonmacnoise, asked God in a prayer to light up the soul with charity, mercy and the spirit of forgiveness. May his prayer be answered and may you be blessed with an open home, an open hand and an open heart.
In the liturgical calendar, February 20th is the feast of St. Colgan.

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Images: The Sea by Reint Withaar. This artist specializes in works that are both tranquil and inspiring; from Barewalls Prints.
This print is available to send as an-card. It is also for sale. Your purchase of any item featured on our site helps support our efforts. Thank you.
BlueMountain free ecards and Brigits Feast.


Fri, Sep 27, 2024
The Galway Hooker

This unique vessel, with its distinctive curved lines and bright red sails, originated in the village of Claddagh. During the 19th century, hookers supported a significant fishing industry and also carried goods, livestock and fuel. Seán Rainey is remembered for building the last of the original boats, the Truelight, for Martin Oliver who was to become the last king of the Claddagh; as king, he was entitled to white sails on his boat. Since the mid seventies, many of the old sailing craft which were on the verge of extinction have been lovingly restored and new ones have been built. During the summer months they can be seen at festivals such a Cruinniú na mBád - the Gathering of the Boats - in Kinvara.

Click for More Culture Corner.

Love the aroma of a turf fire? Experience the next best thing with Irish Incense, the peaceful, nostalgic scent that will transport you back in time and place. The perfect gift for Christmas or any other occasion, order now. A special offer for Irish Culture and Customs visitors: 10% discount on all products! Just enter the Coupon Code ICC200 in the Check out section of the web site.
Click here for Irish Incense.

Irish Blessings
by Ashley Shannon

A Treasury of Irish Blessings

Irish Blessings (Coasterbooks)

Irish-American Blessings & Prayers
by Fr. Andrew M. Greeley

Created by the Benedictine monks of Glenstal Abbey, this is a beautifully bound book that includes prayers for all occasions. Once you read it, it's easy to understand why it is a best-seller in Ireland. To see full review, please click here : Glenstal Book of Prayer


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