Bunús na Gaeilge - Basic Irish Language
There is no other way to revive Irish than for a crowd of people to spread it.
- Douglas Hyde
Note: The spellings and pronunciations used are based on Aideen's own natural use of Connemara Irish but they have been kept simple, so as to be understood where there are differences in the language.
For example, the word 'feicfidh' is used only in Connemara Irish; in Leinster, Ulster and Munster the word is 'cífidh'. There are two pronunciations; Leinster/Munster - kee-fee; Ulster - chee-fee.
The biggest problem for people whose native language is English is that the soft 't' and 'd' are in Irish, but not in English; it's difficult to 'reproduce' them in writing. Where I use 'th' and 'dh' here, they are best achieved by putting your tongue gently behind your front upper teeth."
Click here for our words & phrases Index.
Lesson 5
he Language of Love - in Irish
This is a revised and updated version of our St. Valentine''s Day offering. The difference is that some of the following words and phrases can be used at any time of the year, whenever romance is in the air.
Phrase: St Valentine's Day
Irish: Lá Fhéle Vailintín
Pronunciation: law ay-leh val-in-theen
Phrase: Happy St Valentine's Day
Beannachtaí na Fhéle Vailintín
Pronunciation: Ban-ochth-thee na Fay-leh val-in-theen
Literally, Blessings of St. Valentine
Word: Card
Irish: cárta
Pronunciation: cawrth-ah
Word: Anonymously (without signature)
Irish: gan ainm ar bith or gan síne
Pronunciation: gahn an-im err bih or gan sheen-eh
Word: Love
Irish: grá
Pronunciation: graw
Phrase: My love
Irish: A grá
Pronunciation: ah ghraw
Word: Lover
Irish: Leannán
Pronunciation: lih-ahn-awn
Word: Darling
Irish: a stór
Pronunciation: ah sthohr
Phrase: Soul mate
Irish: Anam Cara
Pronunciation: ah-nahm khara
Phrase: I love you
Irish: Tá cion agam ort
Pronunciation: thaw kiuhn ag-gum urth
Phrase: My love to you
Irish: Mo grá thú
Pronunciation: muh ghraw hoo
Word: Darling
Irish: a stór
Pronunciation: ah sthohr
Phrase: Love of my heart
Irish: a stór mo chroí
Pronunciation: ah sthohr muh khree
Word: Heart
Irish: croí
Pronunciation: kree
Word: Rose
Irish: rós
Pronunciation: rose
Phrase: My love/My dear
Irish: A ghrá
Pronunciation: Ah ghraw
Phrase: My sweetheart
Irish: Mo mhuirnín
Pronunciation: Muh voor-neen
Phrase: Kiss me
Irish: Póg mé
Pronunciation: Pogue may
Phrase: Hugs and kisses
Irish: Barróga agus póga
Pronunciation: Bahrogue-ah ah-guss pogue-ah
Phrase: I'd give you the blood of my heart
Irish: Thabharfainn fuil mo chroí duit
Pronunciation: hohr-hinn fwill muh khree gwitch
Phrase: Will you marry me?
Irish: An bpósfaidh tú mé?
Pronunciation: on bohs-ee thoo may?
Phrase: Yes, I will marry you
Irish: Cinnte (certainly), pósfaidh mé thú
Pronunciation: kinn-tcheh, pohs-hee may hoo
Phrase: I think I'm in love
Irish: Ceapaim go bhfuilim i ngrá
Pronunciation: kih-ahp-im guh will-im ih ngraw
Would you like to go out with me?
Irish: Ar mian leat siúl amach liom?
Pronunciation: err veen lih-ath shool ah-mahkh lih-um?
(literally: would you like to walk out with me)
Phrase: I adore you
Irish: Ádhraím thú
Pronunciation: aw-reem hoo
Phrase: She is (He is) the love of my life
Irish: Is grá mo shaol í (é).
Pronunciation: iss graw muh heel ee (ay)
Connemara pickup line: I prefer you to a hundred milk cows!
Irish: B'fhearr liom thú nó céad bó bainne!
Pronunciation: Barr lum hoo no kaydh boh bahn-nyah
Phrase: I got four anonymous Valentine cards
Irish: Fuair mé ceithre chártaí Vailintín gan ainm ar bith orthu
Pronunciation: foo-ir may keh-reh cawr-thee val-in-theen gahn an-im err bih ur-hoo
Phrase: He sent me a bouquet of a dozen red roses
Irish: Chuir sé crobhaing de dhosaen rósanna dearga chugam
Pronunciation: khuir shay kruv-eng djeh gus-ayn rose-ahnah djahr-gah hug-ahm
Phrase: I love you
Irish: Tá cion agam ort
Pronunciation: thaw kiuhn ag-gum urth
Image: First Kiss by Kim Anderson from All Posters
Lesson #6
Sending a card for a birthday or other occasion? These phrases will come in handy. According to Aideen, they are generally written rather than spoken; apparently Irish speakers are not this formal in everyday conversation. So use these when you want to write a special greeting.
Phrase: Happy Birthday
Irish: Lá Breithe Shona
Pronunciation: Law breh-heh huna
Phrase: Happy Anniversary
Irish: Comhgáirdeas bhur gceiliúradh
Pronuniation: koh-gawr-jeas wur gel-oor-ah*
* This is not specifically 'anniversary' but 'celebration' and could be used for many such occasions. In the singular it would be:
do cheiliúradh, pronounced dhuh chel-oor-ah
Phrase: Happy St. Patrick's Day
Irish:Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig
Pronunciation: Ban-ochth-thee na Fay-leh Paw-drig
Phrase: Good luck and best wishes
Irish: Sláinte agus Saol Agat (Agaibh*)
Pronunciation: Slaw-intche agus seel ah-guth (ah-geev*)
Literally means '(good) health and life to you' *plural
Phrase: Happy Easter
Irish: Beannachtaí na Cásca
Pronunciation: Ban-ochth-thee na caws-ca
Phrase: Merry Christmas
Irish: Nollaig Shona
Pronunciation: Null-ig huna
Phrase: Happy New Year
Irish: Athbhlian faoi mhaise
Pronunciation: Ah-vleen fwee wash-eh
According to Aideen, one of the easiest and nicest catch-all phrases, suitable for any occasion would be:
Irish: Sláinte agus saol agat* - Health (good implied) and life (long implied) to you
Prounciation: Slaw-in-che ah-gus seel ah-guth
*agaibh (plural) ah-giv
but with one 'amendment' - in the case of a new baby the blessing would be to the parents for the child and would be:
Irish: Sláinte agus saol ar bhur leanbh nua
Pronunciation: Slaw-in-che ah-gus seel er wur lan-iv noo-ah
Lesson #7 - Basic Irish: A selection of toasts
From the classic Slainte and how to pronounce it to a few other not so common ones and how to pronounce those, too, you're sure to impress family and friends at the next social event when you toast the gathering in the Irish!
Toast: May God not weaken your hand
Irish: Nár laga Dia do lámh
Pronunciation: Nar lah-ga Djee-ah dhu lawv
Toast: May we be alive at this same time again
Irish: Go mbeirimíd beo ar an am seo arís
Pronunciation: Guh mer-i-meedh bee-oh er an am shu areesh
Toast: May you live and may you wear it out
Irish: Go mairir is go gathair
Pronunciation: Guh mah-rir is guh gah-hir
Toast: Health and life to you
The woman of your choice for you
A child every year for you
And may you die in Ireland
Irish: Sláinte agus saol agat
Bean ar do mhian agat
Leanbh gach blian agat
Agus bás n Éireann
Pronunciation: Slaw-in-tche agus seel ah-guth
Ban er dhuh veen ah-guth
Lan-v goch bleen ah-guth
Agus baws in Ay-run
Toast: Health to the men and may the women live forever
Irish: Sláinte na bhfear agus go maire na mna go deo
Pronunciation: Slaw-in-tche na var agus guh mara na m-naw guh djeo
Toast: Health! (Could be to one or to a crowd)
Irish: Sláinte
Pronunciation: Slaw-in-tche
For More Irish words & phrases please click here: Irish Index
Image: Gaeilge Beo from All Posters and Prints.